By Jeff Roberts
Casey Muratori
Do you think that was part of Christopher Nolan’s original vision for the Dark Knight? That periodically the lady from Best Buy would pop up?
Talking dolphins. Netflix Streaming. No Country for Old Men. Battlestar Galactica. Firefly. Star Trek. Venn diagram of suck. Science fiction. SeaQuest DSV. Google Translate for dolphins. Family Ties. Michael J. Fox. Daily paper. You can do it. Forgotten wallet. CostCo. Best Buy. Flatscreen TVs. Presents for Jeff’s Mom. Projection presents. XBox 360. LG. Kung Fu Panda. LEGO Indiana Jones. Little Big Planet. Rock Band. The Dark Knight. Webcam. DO NOT PLUG IN THE DEVICE. USB. The Journeyman Project. The Journeyman Project: Turbo. DirectShow. Windows installers. Zune. Zune New Years bug. Microsoft Vacation for Windows. Jeff’s crazy grandma. Premade grandkids. Returned Christmas cards. Jeff’s mailroom tips. Dina Martina. Playstation Home. jeffatrad. Avatar replacement. Second Life.
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